We’re finally here….after a year long process…we have flown the nest and are now Directly Authorised by the FCA.
We made the decision to apply to the FCA way back in November 2021, with the aim to have more freedom over how we operate our business, and the way we interact with our customers. The FCA did a throrough audit to make sure we meet the high standards required, and i’m very pleased to say that we passed with flying colours.
We’ve had a great experience working with Therightmortgage and are eternally greatful for the help and support they’ve provided us for the last 3 years.
By being Directly Authorised we will be able to offer more clients more services, work with more people to contunue to grow our brand, and continue to offer an already award winning service for all customers.
We’re very excited about the future of Advantage FS, and you’ll hear from us again very soon with more amazing developments.
🖥 www.advantagefs.co.uk
📞 tel: 01174420604
⌨ email: info@advantagefs.co.uk