Your Advantage.
Expert mortgage and insurance advice driven by customer service and conservation goals
Whether youâre buying your first home, a home mover, on a mission to save money, looking for a large loan or a buy-to-let landlord, weâve got you covered. We utilise the latest technology to make your journey as hassle free and convenient as possible.
We believe thereâs always a solution! No matter how complex, we want to hear from you. Why not book an appointment now with one of our friendly advisers?
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Our average ‘Application to Offer’ time frame last month was:
19 working days
Available today
Not all mortgages are available through brokers. Thatâs why weâll always let you know about any cheaper deals that weâre aware of when we make our recommendation. Nothing hidden here.
We strive to make the world a better place in any little way we can. By participating in âmicro-givingâ with the charity Buy1Give1, we support causes such as conservation and clean water projects.
All Advantage customers have their own Secure Client Portal for information, messages and documents. However we always tailor our solutions to you, whether face to face, via telephone or email.
Whilst we arrange finance for people in all situations, we have areas we think we excel in. Contractors, self-employed, first time buyers, older borrowers, or those with credit issues, we are here to help.
Unlike many brokers, we put our money where our mouth is. Our advice is always 100% free; this means if you decide to proceed with a mortgage application, if it doesnât result in an official offer, you wonât pay a penny to us.
News & Views
February 14th 2024 mortgage news
What's in the news? February 2024 The cost of moving and stamp duty is putting millions of homeowners off of potentially downsizing. Older homeowners are unable to move to smaller properties...
Navigating the Financial Maze of Downsizing in Retirement: What are Bridging Loans?
Retirement often marks a period of transition, a time to embrace new experiences and simplify life. Many retirees consider downsizing their homes, seeking a smaller, more manageable living space...
Mortgage rates are falling in the UK as lenders battle for business in 2024
After a gruelling two years of rising interest rates, the UK mortgage market is now seeing a price war as lenders compete for business. This is good news for borrowers, who are now finally seeing...